Small Group Home is a type of residential child care services which provides out-of-home placement for children who cannot be adequately cared for by their families due primarily to various family problems or crises.
Emergency / Short-term Care in Small Group Home (ESCSGH) is a kind of residential service provided in small group home for children aged between 4 and 18 who are in need of temporary care away from their homes due to various family problems or crises.
Foster Care is a kind of residential child care services which provides out-of-home family care for children who cannot be adequately cared for by their families due primarily to various family problems or crises. These children are placed in approved foster homes which are under the supervision from the Foster care worker.
Target Service User of Small Group Home:
The target group is children aged 4 - 18 years of age who cannot be adequately cared for by their families. This may include slow-learners or children of limited intelligence, children with mild behavioural or emotional problems, or children who experience minor health problems and have been medically assessed as fit for small group living. Children are usually full-time students at time of admission.
Referrals are via the Central Referral System for Residential Child Care Services operated by SWD.
Target users of ESCSGH:
Children between 4 and 18 whose families face emergency or crisis situation and cannot provide them with adequate care. This may include children with mild behavioural or emotional problems, or children who experience minor health problems; and
have been medically examined and assessed to be fit for small group living.
Referrals are sent to NGO service operators providing service of ESCSGH, and copied to Centre Referral System for Residential Child Care Services operated by SWD.
Target group of Foster Care Services:
Chidler under 18 years of age who cannot be adequately cared for by their families. This may include slow-learners or children of limited intelligence, children with mild behavioural or emotional problems, or children who experience minor health problems and have been medically assessed as fit for care in an ordinary family setting.
Referrals are via the Central Foster Care Unit operated by SWD.
In the small group home and emergency and short term small group home setting, there are three homes, each home includes eight ordinarily placements plus one emergency and short term placement. In each home, there are sitting and dining zone, sleeping zone, a kitchen, restrooms, a balcony and an office room.
There is a central office for foster care service.
Tel. | : | 2558 7784 |
Fax | : | 2558 8635 |
Address | : | Chai Wan, Hong Kong |
: | sgh@ychss.org.hk |