Since 1982, we have been providing social services for the elderly in Hong Kong. We now have 28 elderly service units with 2 types service: residential care services for the elders & community support and care services for the elders.
Elderly Residential Service is one of the major pillars of the Yan Chai Hospital Social Service Department. Currently, there are 6 Continuum of Care Homes, 1 Nursing Home of the largest scale among others in Hong Kong, 2 Contract Homes and 1 Self-financing Home employing about 1,050 staff providing 24 hours comprehensive care and nursing services for 1,510 senior residents and. Besides the basic residential care, we also deliver different kinds of special programs to enhance the quality of life of our residents.
Elderly Community Support and Care Services is an essential elderly service of Yan Chai Hospital Social Service Department. Currently, there are 18 elderly community support and care service units including: neighbourhood elderly centres, social centres for the elderly, day care centre for the elderly, 3A Club, home care and support services, dementia day care centre for the elderly, community care service voucher for the elderly, integrated community development centres, social enterprise for the elderly. Around 8,710 elderly have been benefitted from these various services provided.
To cope with the government policy of “Aging in place”, in recent years, we proactively combine the services of “Community Care Service Voucher for the Elderly”, training for personnel providing personal and nursing care services and our social enterprise “Yan Chai Happy Home Living Limited” into an cost-effective integrated service model, which able to provide professional and quality community care services to the elderly.